Ian Hurd
Director, International Studies Program
Ph.D., Yale University

Ian Hurd is Associate Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University. He has written extensively about the politics of international law and international institutions. His work has appeared in leading academic and public policy journals including International Organization, Foreign Affairs, International Politics, Global Governance, and Ethics & International Affairs. His book on the UN Security Council, After Anarchy: Legitimacy and Power in the UN Security Council (2007), won the Chadwick Alger Award from the International Studies Association and the Myres McDougal Prize from the Policy Sciences Society. His most recent book is International Organizations: Politics, Law, Practice, which appeared in a second edition in 2013. Hurd has been a visitor scholar at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University, Sciences-Po in Paris, and the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, among other institutions, and is a frequent contributor to public debates on global affairs, foreign policy, and international law. His current work includes a book on the international rule of law, and he is a co-editor of the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of International Organizations.